Workshops, Conferences & online coffee shops

15/02/252.5hrsProfessionals£245.00Book Now
12/04/252.5 hoursProfessionals£245.00Book Now
11/01/252.5 hoursProfessionals£245.00Book Now
03/02/256/6/25Patients£15.00Book Now
04/02/25Approx 6hrsProfessionals£90.00Book Now
21/02/263.5 hoursAll£7.50 donationBook Now
15/01/251hrAll£6.50 DonationBook Now
19/03/251 hourAll£6.50 DonationBook Now
05/02/251 Hour 9am - 10amAllFreeBook Now
04/02/25Approx 6hrsProfessionals£90.00Book Now

Who we work with

Workshops & webinars

Pete Moore, runs a series of regular workshops, webinars and online coffee shops for both Healthcare Professionals and people living with persistent pain.

For Professionals

So, how can you support patients with pain to self-manage in a time-based consultation?

Online Pain & SelfMgt Toolkit workshops are usual 3 hrs hours and run in a relaxed and friendly environment, incorporating time for questions and discussion.

This SelfMgt Toolkit workshop is ideal for all healthcare professionals who work in Community, Primary, Secondary and Social Care. It can help to increase their awareness of the benefits of self management.

Online and interactive workshop for Healthcare Professionals who work in Community, Primary, Secondary and Social Care. Want more information contact Pete Moore here.

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For Patients

A unique Pain & Self-Management workshop is for people who live with persistent pain and long-term health conditions

The online workshop (2.5 hour) explain what self-management is and how it can help people get back on triack and in the driving seat.

The workshops are run in a relaxed and friendly environment, interactive and incorporating time for questions and discussion. Total tuition time 2.5.hrs

You will learn the benefits of self-managing your pain and other health condtions and overcoming daily problems. As well as learning the tools in the Toolkit, you will also learn how to work effectively with your doctor and healthcare professionals.

An online and interactive workshop for patients. Want more information contact Pete Moore here.

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Pain Toolkit Webinars for Healthcare Professionals and People who live with long-term persistent pain

The Pain Toolkit started to organise interactive and educational webinars during the Covid-19 crisis, so healthcare professionals and people with pain, could carry on learning about pain self-management, while in lockdown.

They now become a hit with everyone, so we are going to carry on organising and broadcasting them. 

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Online Cafe

The Pain Toolkit Online Cafe is like any other Cafe, where you meet up and have a coffee

What will the conversation be about? We discuss all matters related to pain self-management and are open to both people with long-term pain and healthcare professionals.

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The author, Pete Moore and his pain journey

So, who is Pete Moore and how did he get started with pain self management?

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