Pain Self-management


Useful Resources, information and choices for patients and Healthcare Professionals to help with the self management of persistent pain.

These links and resources have been compiled and put together by the team at the Pain Toolkit for your reference and what we believe will help you in the self management of your pain.
Learn how to support patients who live with persistent pain with these useful collection of links and resources.
Interviews with Pete Moore discussing his Pain Management journey and much more in between; including guest interviews.
A collection of useful links and resources for both Healthcare Professionals and people living with persistent pain.
I get many emails from people about pain medications and I am unable to answer. So, I thought it would be useful if to ask a Pain Healthcare Professionals to write a short and easy to understand guide.
Catch up with Pete Moore and his latest Podcasts. All podcasts are hosted and provided by Soundcloud and Anchor and also available via Spotify too.
Most pain management research is written for other researchers and healthcare professionals and in a way, that it’s difficult for people living with persistent pain to understand.
Below are some video links and resources that Pain Toolkit Author, Pete Moore has created or collated for industry professionals and patients.

The author, Pete Moore and his pain journey

So, who is Pete Moore and how did he get started with pain self management?

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