Prehab Workshop 29th August 2024

Pain self-management news

Posted by WebAdmin, Thu, April 25, 2024

I was telling a buddy at the gym this morning about the NEW Prehab Workshop. How it works and how useful prehab can be prior to an operation, procedure or treatment.  He said… "it sounds like rehab but in reverse and I wish someone had advised to go on a prehab workshop, as I'm sure it would have cut down my recovery time and got back to work sooner.

How Pete heard about Prehab

I first heard about prehab back in 2016, when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  Information from the healthcare professionals was pretty sketchy, especially when I asked them what can I do self management wise. So I went online an came across a website in New Zealand called Pinc and Steel.  The site talked about having a programme prior to cancer treatment, during and after treatment. Now this made a lot of sense to me and so I investigated further and found out more about prehab.  

With the help and support of a Physio and using my own self management knowledge and skills, I worked out prehab plan before the treatment started and then another plan while I am having the treatment.

So what is Prehab?

Prehab is taking a proactive approach to prepare a person prior to a having a procedure, operation or coming off a pain medication like opioids *

Sometimes people are provided rehab skills after their procedure, operation or pain medication reduction where learning prehab skills can speed up recovery time.

Prehab involves taking steps to strengthen and condition the body before a procedure, operation or pain medication reduction.

Prehab typically includes what is now referred to as meaningful movement which can involve exercises and stretches designed to improve mobility, flexibility and strengthen muscles. A Physiotherapist / Physical Therapist with knowledge of prehab can show you the best movements for you.

Everybody who attends the Prehab Pain Toolkit workshop will receive a Pdf Booklet of the Pain Toolkit Prehab that could provide you with some handy tips and skills to support you along the way to manage your pain.

More about what we do on the Prehab Workshop

Our Prehab workshop for people who are awaiting an operation, treatment, or procedure. During the workshop, we will be focusing on five key pain self-management skills to help you prepare for your upcoming healthcare journey.

1. Goal setting / Action planning:

Setting goals and creating action plans can help you stay focused and motivated during this waiting period. We will discuss how to set realistic goals related to your prehabilitation, such as improving your physical fitness or mental well-being. By breaking down these goals into actionable steps, you can make progress towards better preparing yourself for your procedure.

2. Pacing daily activities:

During the waiting period, it's important to pace yourself and avoid overdoing. We will explore strategies for balancing activity and rest, such as setting limits on tasks, taking breaks, and prioritising activities. By learning how to pace your daily activities, you can conserve your energy and manage your pain more effectively.

3. Problem solving:

Facing challenges or uncertainties while waiting for your procedure can be stressful. We will discuss how to use problem-solving skills to address any obstacles that may arise, such as managing anxiety or navigating logistical issues. By developing effective problem-solving strategies, you can feel more confident in your ability to manage with the unknown.

4. Meaningful movement:

Staying active and engaging in meaningful movement can help improve your physical and mental well-being while awaiting your procedure. We will explore different types of exercises, stretches, and activities that are safe and beneficial for prehabilitation. By incorporating movement into your daily routine, you can enhance your strength, flexibility, and overall health.

5. Knowing what to do if something goes wrong:

Despite your preparations, setbacks may occur during the waiting period. It's important to have a setback plan in place to help you navigate unexpected challenges or changes in your health. We will discuss how to create a plan for managing setbacks, including strategies for seeking support, adjusting your prehabilitation activities, and maintaining a positive mindset.

By focusing on these five key pain self-management skills, you can better prepare yourself for your upcoming procedure and optimise your overall well-being. Let's work together to develop personalised strategies that will support you during this waiting period. Thank you for registering with us today.

Workshop overview

* Introductions and challenges you have coaching, people who are living with long-term health conditions

* What do you want to get out of the workshop?

* Setting the scene…

Stretch/comfort break 10mins

* Understanding the tools in the Pain Toolkit and how to use them

* Explain the 5 key coaching self-management skills?

* Other tools for your toolkit

* Looking into the future

* Ending the workshop


If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. We are here to support you, so drop me a line via the website